Testosterone Enanthate (Enantat) (9 Offers)
What is Testosterone Enanthate (Enantat):
This particular form of testosterone, testosterone enanthate, is very highly favored by bodybuilders and athletes for its ability to provide some really strong increases in the muscle mass and in the strength, just like with all other testosterone injectable forms (testosterone cypionate or testosterone propionate).
Because testosterone is the hormone that helps muscles grow the most, the substance is very well-liked and utilized all over the world. The majority of bodybuilders and fitness models you know have likely used or still use testosterone. 4-androsten-3-one-17beta-ol 17beta-hydroxy-a ndrost-4-en-3-one is the compound's chemical name.
The body easily converts testosterone to estradiol, which is a well-known fact. The enzyme aromatase (estrogen synthetase) is in charge of the metabolism of testosterone. In light of this, taking a testosterone supplement will result in excessive amounts of estrogen. This needs to be mentioned because high levels of estrogen in men can have a variety of negative effects, the most notable of which are increased water retention, gynecomastia, and body fat accumulation. However, keep in mind that, when compared to all other steroids on the market, testosterone is only regarded as a moderately estrogenic steroid. Typically, an anti-estrogen may be needed to prevent the estrogenic adverse effects, such as clomiphene citrate or tamoxifen citrate. The least sensitive individuals might not need anything at all; however, this is very dependent on their sensitivity and the dosage. Still, there are some situations when more delicate males would require the use of an aromatase inhibitor. In general, it is preferable to begin with an anti-estrogen and switch to an aromatase inhibitor if it doesn't work. The rationale is that anti-estrogens are far less expensive than aromatase inhibitors, and they may also have adverse effects on blood lipids. It's also important to remember that estrogen-related side effects are dose-dependent, meaning that higher doses carry a greater risk of more severe or more estrogen-related side effects, so higher doses may find it necessary to use anti-estrogens or aromatase inhibitors with testosterone enanthate. Many people mistakenly believe that testosterone is considered a poor choice for dieting or reducing training cycles due to water retention and loss of muscle definition. But these are side effects of high doses of testosterone. But when used in moderate doses, especially with an AI, it's the perfect compound for this stage. Additionally, its moderate androgenicity makes this product ideal for the muscle-building phase, where additional water retention supports raw strength and muscle size and helps create a more potent anabolic environment.
Androgenic Side Effects of Testosterone Enanthate:
In addition to all of this, users should be aware that elevated testosterone levels are likely to have some androgenic side effects; commonly, such side effects include oily skin, acne, and body and facial hair. Also, men with a genetic predisposition to hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) may find that they experience accelerated male pattern hair loss from testosterone use due to androgenic side effects. If this is a problem, testosterone is generally not recommended for people prone to this condition. This side effect does not affect men who are not prone to male pattern baldness. As a recommendation here, it is recommended that people who are concerned about hair loss look for nandrolone decanoate. This is because they may find that it is a better choice for them since this product is a less androgenic steroid.
In addition to that, ladies are warned of the capability of virilizing consequences of any AAS; however, they may be particularly warned if it is taken into consideration to apply a robust androgen like, for instance, testosterone. In fact, the virilizing aspect's consequences could probably be felt by any lady, no matter their sensitivity. Usually, the virilizing aspect consequences include: irregular menstruation cycles, facial hair development, a change in voice pitch, and clitoral changes, in addition to modifications in pores and skin texture.
Typically, these side effects go away as soon as the medication is stopped. However, they only go away if the medication is stopped as soon as the first symptom appears. There is a strong likelihood that the symptoms will become permanent if the symptoms are disregarded and the medicine is continued to be used.
Cardiovascular Side Effects of Testosterone Enanthate:
The serum cholesterol can suffer some adverse effects of the anabolic/androgenic steroid as well. That is why men who already have cholesterol problems before using steroids should refrain from doing so. Among the detrimental consequences of serum cholesterol are its ability to lower HDL (good) cholesterol levels while simultaneously raising LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, so if you're healthy enough to utilize testosterone, do it in a cholesterol-friendly way. This might alter the HDL-to-LDL ratio in a way that would make the development of an arteriosclerosis condition much more likely.
If you're considering using steroids, keep in mind that the degree of an anabolic or androgenic steroid's effect on serum lipids depends on a number of variables, including the dosage, the mode of administration (oral or injectable), the level of resistance to hepatic metabolism, and the type of steroid. But ultimately, using any kind of steroid is not advised if you have any cholesterol problems.
The use of exogenous testosterone has the potential to have a really bad impact on cholesterol levels, especially when it comes to lowering the levels of HDL (good cholesterol). It has been discovered that some small doses of testosterone enanthate have some extremely negligible, essentially undetectable effects on HDL cholesterol. The situation significantly changed, though, when it was combined with an AI, as even low doses of 200 to 300 mg per week with an AI have been demonstrated to significantly reduce HDL values by 20 to 25%!
With all of this said, it is strongly advised to have a cholesterol-friendly lifestyle, whether or not you plan to utilize an additional AI (but especially if you do). This entails both a cholesterol-friendly diet and an aggressive cardiovascular activity program throughout the full testosterone treatment. Such a diet consists of adding omega-3 fatty acids while removing simple sugars and saturated fats from the diet.
Testosterone Enanthate Administration for Men:
Due to the relatively gradual release of the enanthate ester, the recommended dosage range for testosterone enanthate when used to treat androgen deficiency in a clinical setting is anywhere between 50 and 400 mg delivered every 2 to 4 weeks. However, testosterone with enanthate ester is typically injected once a week when used for muscle building purposes, despite the product's significantly longer duration of activity in the body (as was just discovered). This is done to maintain steady blood levels. Regardless of the product's total weekly dosage and regardless of the product's weekly dosage, cycles of 6 to 12 weeks should be used to administer the product. It is thought that if you take it for less than six weeks, you might not see the intended outcomes, and if you take it for more than twelve weeks, you might not feel healthy. Therefore, 200 to 600 mg per week is the typical amount for enhancing appearance and/or performance. Most users will find that by adhering to this routine, they reach a sufficient level since they can see incredible increases in their muscle size and strength. Bodybuilders and athletes are frequently heard utilizing greater doses.
It was previously indicated in this article that testosterone is frequently taken during bulking cycles, when the additional water retention will be of little or no concern, and when the person is looking to build raw mass rather than definition. But as already mentioned, there are still some people who use it during cutting cycles as well, though they typically use it in lesser dosages (such as between 100 and 200 mg per week) and in conjunction with an aromatase inhibitor to keep their estrogen levels in check.
Depending on the needs, testosterone can be combined with both cutting and bulking drugs. Last but not least, testosterone is a very flexible substance that may be mixed with a variety of anabolic/androgenic steroids to produce the desired results. In fact, it can be used as a testosterone replacement therapy while using other steroids that cause the user to experience low testosterone. It can also be readily mixed with almost all steroids currently available.
Testosterone Enanthate Administration for Women:
Depending on the needs, testosterone can be combined with both cutting and bulking drugs. Last but not least, testosterone is a very flexible substance that may be mixed with a variety of anabolic/androgenic steroids to produce the desired results. In fact, it can be used as a testosterone replacement therapy while using other steroids that cause the user to experience low testosterone. It can also be readily mixed with almost all steroids currently available.
If a woman wants to use steroids to improve her performance or physique, there are safer alternatives.
Why Buy Testosterone Enanthate on our website:
This product is fantastic for any males looking for incredible results in terms of increasing their performance or physique, or for those who have low testosterone. You won't regret buying Testosterone Enanthate because millions of sportsmen, bodybuilders, and fitness models use it successfully. Men might find it quite helpful despite the fact that it is not advised for ladies because it can be utilized by both novice and experienced users. It is a very versatile product that can be stacked with almost any other steroid available and produces excellent results in both cutting and bulking cycles.
The product is ideal for any man searching for a testosterone boost while injecting just once per week, as it has relatively mild side effects that are simple to manage. The advantages to the adverse effect ratio of testosterone enanthate are just astounding.