Oxandrolone (Anavar) (8 Offers)

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Shipped USA Domestic
Oxandroxyl (Anavar) - Oxandrolone - Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, India
Substance: Oxandrolone
Pack: 50 tabs (10 mg/tab)

Classification: Oral Steroids
Drug Class: Androgenic Anabolic Steroid
Active Half Life: 9 hours
Dosage: 30-50 Mg/Day

43.00 USD  
Shipped USA Domestic
Oxandroxyl 20 Limited Edition (Anavar) - Oxandrolone - Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, India
Substance: Oxandrolone
Pack: 50 tabs (20 mg/tab)

Classification: Oral Steroids
Drug Class: Androgenic Anabolic Steroid
Active Half Life: 9 hours
Dosage: 30-50 Mg/Day

75.00 USD  
US Domestic & International
Anavar 10 (Oxandrolone) - Oxandrolone - Dragon Pharma, Europe
Dragon Pharma, Europe

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Substance: Oxandrolone
Pack: 100 tabs (10mg/tab)

Classification: Oral Steroids
Drug Class: Androgenic Anabolic Steroid
Active Half Life: 9 hours
Dosage: 30-50 Mg/Day

100.00 USD  
Shipped USA Domestic
Anavar 50 (Oxandrolone) - Oxandrolone - Dragon Pharma, Europe
Dragon Pharma, Europe

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Substance: Oxandrolone
Pack: 100 tabs (50mg/tab)

Classification: Oral Steroids
Drug Class: Androgenic Anabolic Steroid
Active Half Life: 9 hours
Dosage: 25-50 Mg/Day

250.00 USD  
Shipped USA Domestic
Oxandroplex (Anavar) - Oxandrolone - Axiolabs

Manufacturer: Axiolabs
Substance: Oxandrolone
Pack: 100 tabs (10 mg/tab)
Classification: Oral Steroids
Drug Class: Androgenic Anabolic Steroid
Active Half Life: 9 hours
Dosage: 30-50 Mg/Day

Out of stock
Shipped USA Domestic
Oxanabol (Anavar) - Oxandrolone - British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Oxandrolone
Pack: 100 tabs (10 mg/tab)
Classification: Oral Steroids
Drug Class: Androgenic Anabolic Steroid
Active Half Life: 9 hours
Dosage: 30-50 Mg/Day

Out of stock
GP Oxan (Anavar) - Oxandrolone - Geneza Pharmaceuticals
Geneza Pharmaceuticals

Manufacturer: Geneza Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Oxandrolone
Pack: 50 tabs (10 mg/tab)
Classification: Oral Steroids
Drug Class: Androgenic Anabolic Steroid
Active Half Life: 9 hours
Dosage: 30-50 Mg/Day

Out of stock
Anava 10 - Oxandrolone - Ryzen Pharmaceuticals
Ryzen Pharmaceuticals

Manufacturer: Ryzen Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Oxandrolone
Pack: 50 tabs (10 mg/tab)
Classification: Oral Steroids
Drug Class: Androgenic Anabolic Steroid
Active Half Life: 9 hours
Dosage: 30-50 Mg/Day

Out of stock


Despite the fact that this substance is regarded as a rather moderate steroid, when compared to testosterone, oxandrolone has anabolic properties that are more than triple those of the latter. By comparing their effects, Anavar (Oxandrolone) is not as successful in building bulk as Testosterone; nevertheless, when we consider it and learn that it has a low androgen rate, we will properly appreciate it and its efficacy. The potential of oxandrolone to boost red blood cell count is also well recognized, and this property will provide the improvement in muscle endurance that sportsmen and performance enhancers highly desire. Furthermore, this is one of the few anabolic steroids available that may be referred to as a direct fat-burning steroid. It has been established that Oxandrolone has a direct relationship with lipolysis, encouraging it, just as it has been established that all anabolic steroids have a favorable effect on metabolic rate.

What does Anavar (Oxandrolone) do?

Any stage of performance enhancement may benefit from the advantages of Anavar (Oxandrolone). It is greatly appreciated that the weight gained by an off-season athlete will entirely consist of muscular tissue. When Oxandrolone is administered, water retention can be avoided, which is a highly beneficial consequence because neither athletes nor bodybuilders require it.

Since oxandrolone does not aromatize, there won't be any water retention, so it may be avoided. However, users shouldn't anticipate significant increases in size or weight as a result of using this steroid because they won't happen, and if they do, they will be dissatisfied. Comparing it to some other steroids, which might produce enormous gains, especially in short amounts of time, the gains you will get are going to be solid and frequently easier to maintain after the use of the steroid.

Anavar is a fantastic steroid for ladies, despite the fact that it is not the ideal mass builder for males (but is still ideal for other purposes). Women will experience greater growth because they are more susceptible to the hormone and will therefore do so. Furthermore, unlike men, most women do not want the extreme rewards that they may want. The fact that Oxandrolone has little negative effects, however, means that it is largely the only steroid taken by women during the off-season.

Due to the effects that oxandrolone has on lipolysis, the person should be able to maintain a very slim physique throughout an off-season phase even when consuming large amounts of calories. Oxandrolone is still best during the cutting phase, when the person is looking to burn fat while maintaining the muscular tissue, even though it can be quite effective throughout the off-season.

This steroid continues to be among the finest for retaining lean tissue that would otherwise be lost throughout the cutting phase while the person is having the required calorie deficit, which is crucial when decreasing body fat (without a calorie deficit, the person will be unable to shed any fat). But aside from being the ideal steroid for maintaining muscle mass, Oxandrolone also makes fat loss happen significantly more quickly. Even after you lose weight, Oxandrolone will continue to work for you because it will give you the much tougher, more defined physique that many bodybuilders adore.

Additionally, a lot of athletes who are looking for improved performance are really appreciating Anavar (Oxandrolone), as this steroid can substantially assist you with this desire. This is due to oxyandrolone's excellent strength-increasing qualities, which are quite helpful. Additionally, Oxandrolone, often known as Anavar, will be fantastic for improving recuperation. That is a crucial consideration for everyone who engages in regular physical activity, but it is especially crucial for those looking to dramatically improve muscle endurance.

The liver toxicity of oxandrolone, one disadvantage of this steroid, is another extremely crucial item to keep in mind. As this steroid is administered, the levels of liver enzymes will increase. Elevated liver enzyme levels do not necessarily indicate that the liver is injured; rather, they indicate that, if the appropriate steps are not taken, they may indicate liver disease. Oxandrolone is one of the gentler steroids available, despite the fact that it is hepatotoxic. Other steroids are thought to be much, much worse. The liver should quickly return to normal without any damage, assuming that the person has a healthy liver and uses the medication within the suggested time frames.

It is crucial to keep in mind, nevertheless, that Oxandrolone should not be used if you have a liver condition or disease. In general, keep in mind the following guidelines when providing oxandrolone:

When using Oxandrolone, it's crucial to avoid combining it with any other oral anabolic steroids, as this would put the liver under even greater stress. OTC medications (over-the-counter drugs) have to be avoided wherever possible. If at all possible, their use ought to be severely curtailed, or better yet, entirely prohibited. The reason is that many over-the-counter drugs are hepatotoxic, oftentimes just as harmful as or worse than many anabolic steroids, particularly Oxandrolone, which is not as dangerous as many others. The use of OTC medications should only be permitted when it is absolutely necessary.

Alcohol should not be consumed in excess, or better yet, not at all. Even a moderate amount of alcohol usage is quite stressful on the liver, and when Oxandrolone is added to the mix, the likelihood of liver damage is considerably increased. However, it is advised to abstain from alcohol entirely when using this steroid, especially in light of the fact that the primary goal of using this steroid is to improve performance. It makes no sense to take steroids while drinking alcohol because it is generally known that alcohol has a direct negative impact on performance.

It's also crucial to understand that the overall use period shouldn't be longer than 8 weeks, with most people concluding that a total of 6 weeks is ideal. For at least 6–8 weeks (preferably more) after using Anavar, no other C17 alpha-alkylated steroids should be utilized. The longer the period of time without use, the healthier the results will be. Additionally, it is strongly advised that you use a liver-detoxifying supplement while using Oxandrolone.

Anavar (Oxandrolone) Dosage:

For male users, a dose between 10 and 30 mg per day can bring quite some results after a while. However, the dosage of 40 to 50 mg per day will be significantly more widespread and efficient. For this reason, the 50 mg per day dosage protocol is seen as the most widely used and most beneficial protocol for oxandrolone use.

Additionally, some men will use as much as 80 to 100 mg per day in an effort to boost the steroid's effectiveness. While this may be true, it also raises the risk of adverse effects, so it is not advised to follow this practice of taking such high doses.

Female Oxandrolone users should follow a modified dose protocol because their daily intake will often lie between 5 and 10 mg. It is undoubtedly uncommon for a woman to require more than 10 mg per day, but in that instance, the dosage should be increased by no more than 5 mg, for a total of 15 mg per day. More is not advised because higher doses nearly guarantee that some degree of virilization will manifest. Doses beyond 20 mg per day are not advised.

The typical cycle duration for both men and women is between 6 and 8 weeks. In general, it is strongly advised not to take it for longer than 8 weeks due to potential liver problems that could arise.

Oxandrolone Side Effects:

One of the anabolic steroids with the fewest adverse effects is oxandrolone, as was already mentioned. There are many more who are even nicer than this one; however, the majority of those steroids have very little impact because they are not very effective either. The fact that oxandrolone has a very favorable effectiveness to adverse effect ratio explains why it is so well-liked and frequently used.

Oxandrolone will inhibit all men who use it from producing natural testosterone, just like it does with every other anabolic steroid available. Depending on how each person reacts to the medicine, how much is given, and other factors, the suppression happens at varying rates. Even though it is believed that oxyandrolone only has modest anabolic side effects,

The natural synthesis of testosterone will begin again as soon as the use of Oxandrolone is discontinued and all anabolic steroids have been completely eliminated from the body. However, it will take at least a few months, and in some cases, perhaps a full year, for the pre-use levels to return. This is the major reason that most men will require the introduction of a post-cycle therapy regimen to aid in the healing process. Anyone who uses steroids is actually advised to engage in this activity because it is quite beneficial.


If you want to purchase this steroid, you can do so on our website with confidence that you are getting a high-quality product from a reputable manufacturer.

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