Shipping-Info has an international warehouse for shipping worldwide (in most cases, transit time is around 7–12 days).
All packages are shipped discreetly. When the order is submitted and we recognize it, the status will be changed to PENDING—UNPAID," which means it must be paid now, after which we start packing. After payment is received, the status will be changed to "paid." Depending on the payment method you use, it may take a few days until payment is received. Once it is received, the order's status will be changed to PAID orPENDING," which means it has been sent to packing. If you sent payment and the order still shows UNPAID after 3 days, contact us by creating a new ticket. Once packed and shipped, the order status will be changed to "PAID-SHIPPED. Sometimes you will seeSEMI-SHIPPED," which means we shipped the first package, but don't worry, we did not forget about the second one and it will be shipped soon.
After the goods were shipped, our system will send you an e-mail confirming shipping; now you can contact us via TICKET or by replying to the notification email and ask for a tracking code. Please make sure to check your SPAM folder, as sometimes our emails go there. Find them and mark them as "not spam" to not miss any future notifications from us. You can then check your tracking number on
Most orders ship within 24–48 hours after payment is received (weekends excluded). If payment is made over the weekend, shipping will resume the next business day. Shipments usually arrive within 3 to 5 business days within the US and within 7 to 12 business days worldwide. Shipping is around $50. We don't have a minimum order amount..
We ensure that all packages are shipped with maximum discretion. Products are removed from their original boxes and repacked with extreme care and precaution, specifically to minimize shipment volume. Our organization name is not indicated on any package, and shipments are sent from various shipping points established in different countries to ensure maximum discretion and the highest probability of successful delivery.
Dont panic!!!
Log in to your account on click on MY ORDERS and choose wanted order and you will see there all packages which were sent, also there you will see expected arrival date. If more than 10 days passed after the expected arrival date, contact us via ticket. If you have any additional questions, feel free to use the "Contact Us" page on our website or simply write us a ticket by logging into your account and going to "My Tickets.