Cypionat 250

Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma, Europe
Substance: Testosterone Cypioante
Pack: 10 ml vial (250 mg/ml)
Classification: Injectable Steroids
Drug Class: Androgenic Anabolic Steroid
Active Half Life: 7-8 days
Dosage: 300-1500 Mg/Week

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Cypionat 250 - Testosterone Cypionate - Dragon Pharma, Europe Cypionat 250 - Testosterone Cypionate - Dragon Pharma, Europe Cypionat 250 - Testosterone Cypionate - Dragon Pharma, Europe Cypionat 250 - Testosterone Cypionate - Dragon Pharma, Europe Cypionat 250 - Testosterone Cypionate - Dragon Pharma, Europe Cypionat 250 - Testosterone Cypionate - Dragon Pharma, Europe

Cypionat 250 Reviews

Apr 13, 2022 (04:14)

I purchased Dragon Pharma for my very first cycle from I only took 250 mg of testosterone cypionate twice a week. All the adverse effects of testosterone injections, including oily skin, acne, increased libido, and slightly increased hostility, were the first thing I noticed. I was very happy about this since I knew it was the real deal, especially if I started to notice sides after just one week of injections.

I was quite pleased with the effects it had given me twelve weeks later. I was leaner but also bigger. My vascularity significantly increased. My ability to bounce back from my workouts was equally astounding. I'll soon start a new cycle and add deca and an AI to the mix.

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